How To Make Sure Two Divs Are The Same Height

I recently needed to make sure that two DIV tags always stay the same height even though both have variable content, driven from a database. I thought I would share the solution I used although would welcome any alternative ways of doing the same thing.


The basic HTML I started with is shown below:

<title>Maintaining DIV Heights</title>
<style type="text/css">
border:1px solid #000;
border:1px solid #000;
<div id="divLeft">
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
<div id="divRight">
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...

So it’s a rather basic file and the idea is that no matter how much text you type into either column, the heights will always remain the same.


The solution I used involved a little JavaScript that essentially:

  1. Finds the height of the two columns and stores those values in two variables. I have had to check for IE as IE and Firefox/Safari interpret offsetHeight and clientHeight differently.
  2. Decides which is taller – the left or the right.
  3. Makes the shorter column the same height as the taller column.

So I added the function below into the <head></head> area…

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function setDivHeights() {
if (document.all) {
var iLeftHeight = document.getElementById("divLeft").offsetHeight;
var iRightHeight = document.getElementById("divRight").offsetHeight;
else {
var iLeftHeight = document.getElementById("divLeft").clientHeight;
var iRightHeight = document.getElementById("divRight").clientHeight;
if (iLeftHeight > iRightHeight) {
document.getElementById("divRight").style.height = iLeftHeight + "px";
else {
document.getElementById("divLeft").style.height = iRightHeight + "px";

…and then added this piece of JavaScript to call the function in the <body> tag…


…such that the end result looked like:

<title>Maintaining DIV Heights</title>
<style type="text/css">
border:1px solid #000;
border:1px solid #000;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function setDivHeights() {
if (document.all) {
var iLeftHeight = document.getElementById("divLeft").offsetHeight;
var iRightHeight = document.getElementById("divRight").offsetHeight;
else {
var iLeftHeight = document.getElementById("divLeft").clientHeight;
var iRightHeight = document.getElementById("divRight").clientHeight;
if (iLeftHeight > iRightHeight) {
document.getElementById("divRight").style.height = iLeftHeight + "px";
else {
document.getElementById("divLeft").style.height = iRightHeight + "px";
<body onLoad="setDivHeights()">
<div id="divLeft">
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
<div id="divRight">
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...
This is some text - this is more text - this is even more text...

An example of the solution can be found here. If you have padding as part of the divs then you need to do some jiggerypokery to get the heights to balance again by subtracting the top and bottom padding from the Firefox/Safari side.

For example:

If the top and bottom padding were 10px you would need to subtract 20.

var iLeftHeight = document.getElementById(“divLeft”).clientHeight – 20;
var iRightHeight = document.getElementById(“divRight”).clientHeight – 20;

If anyone has any better solutions than this then I would be very open to it. Anyway, hope this helps. As always, any feedback (positive or negative) is always appreciated.